There is nothing wrong with Windows Vista. What is with all this “Vista Death Watch” and stuff. Why does everyone put down Vista? Personally I love the program, it is far better than XP. XP is so plain… that horrid blue background which color I want to change but can’t… The graphics are boring, colors are boring, themes are boring. It’s the Windows ME but had rounded edges on the boxes, and you can change the colors. Oh how exciting…
Vista on the other hand…. Is gorgous. The Windows gadgets is totally fun, the transparency of everything is a master piece aspect, and the graphics of this thing! Oh baby I love it. I don’t really get the point of the 3D window scroll thing… it’s cool but I don’t use it really… BUT THE BEST THING ABOUT IT is that when you put your mouse over a window on the bottom, it’s in motion, and stuff….way cool. I’m not good at explaining this very well but I want to voice my opinion. I’m sorry.
And that who “Access and Deny” crap… wow did Apple ever blow that out of proportion. It hardly does that, and how hard is it to press “Allow”. Like god, 0.5 seconds of your life to press that little button. What ever shall I do.
Oh and the color scheme on the first opening page before you choose your account…..WAY NICER!! It and the start menu are aesthetically appealing. It’s true.
I would like to ask, why are people ‘converting’, proud to get on the Mac Train, proud to be a follower so that one day apple takes over the god damn world. They’re making MP3 Players obsolete, everything is refered to as an ‘ipod’. You know what, I hate my Mini (it’s not really that small anymore is it?). It hardly works, and I’ve had to send it in for repair for countless times and they take FOREVER as in MONTHS to fix the god damn thing. Oh and then they get smaller and turn into a nano, so that if you accidentally sit on it, it snaps in half. Yay!
Back to the converting… I would never convert to a Mac. I hate Mac computers. Almost every student at my university has a Mac. I feel so weird with a black lap top… everyone else has their white or silver Apple computers. I don’t get Macs. I’ve used them my entire educational career at school and they are so horrible to use. Their boring looking. They aren’t even computer looking. I don’t get any aspect of it. I don’t see how Mac is so good.
Oh what, you can’t get a Virus? Big deal, I don’t get Virus’ on my PC, and I download a lot of stuff (shhh). Just get a free version of AVG and Spydocter off the net and your fine. They clean up your computer real good.
I guess you are either a PC person, or a Mac person. It’s like being a Pepsi or Coca-Cola Person. Either you like Pepsi, or you like Coke, THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN. Sure some places only have Pepsi, or they only have coke, you’re not going to not order a cola. Still you’re a fan of only one. You’re not going to be like “Oh today I like Pepsi, and perhaps next month I’ll like coke”. That’s like saying “Oh I think I’ll be a bully today, and tomorrow I’ll try myself as the nerd, I think I’ll go get my head flushed down the toilet”, or “Today I’ll be with Yoda, next century I’ll be with Vader”. Either your with one, or against one, converting is being a traitor like Peter Pettigrew. Are you a rat? Yah you probably are, most are converting to Macs… I guess I’m the only one sticking with Harry Potter aren’t I? Actually I’m more of a Draco fan, but that wouldn’t be proving my point…
Anyways I’m just confused about this whole Mac epidemic and why they are better, and what is honestly so wrong with Vista?
Microsoft… I love Vista…
(Send me something free… you know… so I can continue to support you? Not that I’d switch anyways)
Bill Gates- I’m watching you. (in a non-stalker like manner)
I leave you with this quote (HAHA…I can’t find a quote supporting Microsoft. WHY!!?? WHY is my argument a failure!! HAHA):
"There are people who don't like capitalism, and there are people who don't like PCs, but there's no one who likes the PC who doesn't like Microsoft."-- Bill Gates
Love you lots!
Miss-I’m-with-Microsoft-(sorta?) Kathleen
Thursday, November 15, 2007
There is nothing wrong with Windows Vista
Posted by
Kathleen M.
9:46 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tundra Gear: Hats brought to you by the winner of Survivor Exile Island!
Hey, do you guys remember Aras from Survivor: Exile Island? Okay so I don’t, I stopped watching survivor after its second season. Maybe you did remember it. Either way you’ve probably heard of Survivor Exile Island because of the ads on T.V. Well back to Aras…. Ever wonder what he did with that million dollars he got for winning the show?
Well he started a hat line (is that what it is called?). Possibly the warmest hats in the world… They come in plain colors… Or you can get ones with your NFL team logo on it for those cold days in the stadium where your head is freezing, your ears are falling off, and if your ears are pierced that metal is giving freezer burn to your flesh… There are ones with NHL team logos on them, but they only make them for Canadian teams… I guess it’s colder here haha!!
There are lots of these hats on the market, I know… But these hats are great quality, and they price is pretty sick. Sick as in good. Sick as in $29.00!!! Then for the team pins it’s a couple bucks more…
If your interested in the hats, I personally like the Snow boarder hat the best. Its half as much fur, the fur looks real, it’s nicer looking, and it’s not as bulky…
Yah, that’s faux fur. I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was real… It looks so incrediably real… But that is my favourite hat… I wanted one for a while but everywhere I’ve gone, they’re about $35.00 for a plain hat, and if you want real fur covering the whole one (the faux fur is so scratchy on all the ones I’ve found, cheap faux fur…) its about $60.00 which is a ridiculous price for a hat in my opinion…
These hats are becoming an international crazy, and the response to them is great! People in Tokyo even wear them (is it cold there!?!). Soon to come on the site is their Resource page, and their Custom Orders page. GET INTO THE RUSSIAN HATNESS WITH THIS HAT!!!
And because I’m awesome, I read every page of the site and found at the bottom of one page how to get you guys FIVE DOLLARS OFF YOUR PURCHASE! A November promotion only, which means the hat is $24.00 which is a super sick price!!!
$5 OFF on all hats in November: Promo Code - TGSR
So yah, I advise you, if you’re needing a hat (which everyone does with our upcoming ice age like in the movie ‘The Day after Tomorrow’) to save your money and buy it somewhere trust worthy…Tundra Gear.
Love you lots!!!
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
9:30 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Do the Batty-Bat with your friend, The Count!
I must be the last generation to enjoy the original Sesame street... Almost 20 years ago, before Cookie Monster eating cookies "only sometimes"... he ate C is for cookies like there was no tomorow. Bert and Earnie arguing and bert with his rubber duckie.... Oscar the grouch in his can.... And of course, who couldn't remember that spooky yet lovable character, The Count?
The Count. Who else would send himself 2 bags of mail simply to count the number of letters he sent himself because he loves to count so much. "1...2...3...HAHAHAHA....4....5...6...HAHAHHAA....."
I remember as a child singing the batty bat song. I remember it all.... I can still mostly sing along to the song.... I watched Sesame street when I was 2 till about 5 I would say (it was amazing back then...."Sunny days, sweeping the ...CLOUDS Away! On my way, to where the air is clean! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street!") and It was my favorite show. Actually now that I think about it, my mom limited me to what shows I was aloud to watch... Urgh that sucks.....
But anywase, the batty bat. You must know it. You must have (depending on your age) danced or seen someone dance along to the song. Either way, you know this song, you can't deny it. IT'S IN YOUR SOUL!!!
So without further delay, I present to you....
The Batty Bat
I leave you with this quote: "Rubber Ducky, you're the one. You make bathtime lots of fun. Rubbery Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you." ~ Ernie
Love you lots!!!!
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
9:02 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Men and Cars: Why do they love them?
The Venus of Urbino is one of the first images portraying beauty as a nude female. The male obsession of their desired woman body soon showed up in many portraits and images, turning the image of the nude female into a symbol of beauty and love. The female body is found in many forms of art throughout history with a similar shape: full breasts, slim waist, wide hips, and an elongated form. I noticed that this desired form is also revealed in men’s design of cars when I came across a photo of a 2009 Camaro in my room.
No historian has deciphered the true meaning of Titian’s Venus of Urbino, but theories have been produced and altered with time. Some of them believe that the theme of the painting portrays disapproved love, but others believe it symbolizes marital love and fidelity. Modern theorists believe that the Venus of Urbino reveals sexual intercourse in marriage. Unlike Giorgione’s closed eye, dreaming Venus, Titian’s Venus is awake and observing her observer, almost purposefully seducing him. The dog represents faithfulness, and the pot of myrtle in the background symbolises constancy (Adams 303). To me, it looks as though it is playful, raw and beautiful love that comes with marriage. The nude Venus portrayed in Titian’s portrait is a beautiful living organism, with gentle curves, flawless and delicate flesh, and an elongated form with a face and silky hair that only a true goddess could have. In Titian’s Rape of Europa, he portrays erotic excitement through the pose of the woman through her gesture. The curves of her body make her the ideal women figure and aid in exaggerating her emotion. Titian’s uses similar figures of the women in both portraits are forms of what he believes a goddess would look like which is the figure of the ideal woman (Adams 304). Giorgione, Botticelli, and Titian all used similar, attractive women who have elegant, elongated, and curvy forms instead of obese or thin women. They are perfect and portray what a goddess is- that is, from a man’s perception. These women are defined as beautiful, and this beauty is what makes men obsess over the female form.
I question, what is beauty? What is it that men find aesthetically appealing? The dictionary claims that beauty is “the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).” Beauty is the process of one willingly looses their mental control to an exterior form or object. For someone viewing something beautiful, the experience is intense in the sense that it leaves an impression on his or her mind and makes them soulfully feel for the form. The deep emotion leaves an imprint on the viewers mind and remains there as a memory. Beauty fascinates the viewer by enhancing their flow of feelings (Schjeldahl, Beckley 53). Beauty is the erotic sensation and pleasure of the mind. Beauty co-exists with other words to describe one’s personal taste or sex appeal. Beauty, however, is unique for everyone, but the majority of men and many women do classify delicate, curvy women (such as Venus’ and the Virgin Mary) as ultimate beauty. Beauty is a quality that may point to an aesthetic content, but is only occasionally related or used with the theory of art (Schjeldahl, Beckley 62). Theories of art differentiate from aesthetic notions of beauty where formal and material contents are concerned. In our modern era, we put form over content thus the meaning of art depends on knowing which cultural contents inform the form (Welish, Beckley 64). Beauty is recognised through form and repetition. Men are aroused by certain images. With the Venus of Urbino, one could say that it is a product of male conditioning, male determining, and male possession. If that were its true meaning, the painting would not have lived, so the Venus is an image of sexuality, and is not just a painting about arousal (Freedberg, Beckley 114). In western society, we look through male eyes in the sense that we visually accept before we accept the content and the overall piece. We look at the aesthetics before personality and heart.
Designing cars is a difficult art because cars arouse passion and emotion far more than any other product. Car design is primarily based on emotion. However, cars are a machine, thus they must work, and keep their owner’s safe. This proves a difficult task when designing a car to look aesthetically appealing because it must be functional as well. The car designer’s task is to create a car that will set off emotion. Cars do not only take you to an incredible speed and transport you faster than a horse; they take you to impossible dreams and fantasies (Lewin 12). Cars influence us physically and psychically. They are an outstanding example of form and function. A good car design succeeds in aesthetics and visual presentation; the designer must give the car a soul. If designing for a company, such as Nissan, the designer must create a unique car, but also must maintain certain traits relevant to the family of Nissan cars (Lewin 25). A car’s form should follow content, and a great car design exceeds in both of these, and it is what makes a car timeless (Lewin 28). The Elise is a car of extreme aesthetic view and is a great example of elegant, elongated curves (Lewin 36). Some “bodies” of cars produced by people like Ferdinand Porsche and Enzo Ferrari have become a fine art. The basic shape and body is what attracts our attention first (Kimes and Goodfellow VIII).
Few men can say they are proud to drive a Van, but the majority would love to say they are proud to be driving one beautiful car, such as a 1937 Bugatti type 57SC Gangloff Drop Head Coupe. What makes a beautiful car? What is aesthetically pleasing to the primary customer of exquisite cars? A light, elegant, elongated, curvy frame is the answer. The base of this frame is the same of that of the ideal women, and it is this frame that causes men to feel that deep emotion, to always remember, and to obsess over. The highly expensive and respected cars have the curvy frame of the Venus of Urbino. If men had the means to purchase a car of that form, they would without question spend up to one hundred thousand dollars or more on a single car. Car designers have transformed their obsession of the fragile, elegant curves of a beautiful woman into the seemingly delicate, polished, and symmetrical curves of a machine. This causes other men who have the same desires as the designers to idolise such machine and obsess over their creation. The Venus of Urbino is a symbol of eroticism, and this symbol has been incorporated into their cars, so that the same passion can continue. Men love the female body, and it is built in their mind to love it. It is natural for them to create according to their obsessions, which are the desirable parts of a female body. These desirable parts create an erotic reality, and this is aesthetically pleasing to a man. Because the car has the same curves and elongated, desirable form of that of the woman, it makes the car female, and makes them obsess over the machine. The obsession of the ideal woman figure has been kept the same in both the Venus of Urbino and desirable cars like the 2009 Camaro. In reality, the male mind has not really changed much through history. In my research, I found a hint that my claims of the body of the automobile being similar to that of female curves. It was an interview question to Ralph Lauren. “People speak of the womanly curves found in certain cars, and of course these same vehicles are often collected and driven primarily by men. Any thoughts on this?” Ralph Lauren replied that he never connected that design to sexuality before, but he did agree that cars are a ‘sexy machine’ (Kimes and Goodfellow XVI).
Men’s interpretation of beauty has passed through history since the arrival of art, and more so, The Venus of Urbino. Men un-intentionally create according to their obsession of the divine goddess, and produce vehicles such as the 2009 Camaro. The elongated, delicate, curvy body of high-end cars are adapted from this original, historical form of the ideal woman. Ultimately, cars like the 2009 Camaro are the beautiful, mechanical form of the Venus of Urbino
Works Cited:
Adams, Laurie Schneider. “The High Renaissance in Italy.” A History of Western Art. New York, U.S.A.: McGraw-Hill. Page 94.
Adams, Laurie Schneider. World Views: Topics in Non-Western Art. New York, U.S.A.: McGraw-Hill.
Beckley, Bill. “Beauty and contemporary Sublime”, “On Perfection, Coherence, and Unity of Form and Content”, “Venus Unveiled: De Kooning’s Melodrama of Vulgarity”. Uncontrollable Beauty. New York, U.S.A. Allworth Press. Page 3
Kimes, Beverly Rae & Goodfellow, Winston S. Speed, Style, and Beauty. Boston, U.S.A.: MFA Publications, a division of the Museum of Fine Arts. Page VII
Lewin, Tony. How to: Design Cars like a Pro. St. Paul, U.S.A.; MBI Publishing 2003. Company. Page 10
Sim, Stuart & Van Loon, Borin. “The Psychoanalytic and the Unconscious”. Introducing Critical Theory. United Kingdom.: Icon Books Ltd. Page 60
Love you lOts!!
Miss Kathleen <3
"beauty." Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 10 Nov. 2007.>.
Posted by
Kathleen M.
12:12 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Race a Psycho chick and WIN!
Posted by
Kathleen M.
4:46 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Have a good night with $44 and a white flag
What a deranged night. The world ditched me. I was stuck- I paced my house from 12AM till 10PM looking for something to do. I never did make plans, I just assume people are going to do stuff with me... BUT THEY DIDN"T. And that extremely pissed me off. I mean seriously, I'm home two days out of the week and no one wants to see me? Fine.
At 10PM I finally get a call. My best friend finally came home and were going to go to another friends house.
My stomach was growling and they don't have a lot of food at their house and I don't want to eat because that's rude, and I didn't want to just sit there so we went to my best friends house (lets call her Bob.... it's a common name for anonymously naming someone) and we grabbed Monopoly Disney and then got in the car and left.
Next stop! Safeway. Entering Safeway with extreme craving and cheapness on our minds, we grabbed a buggy (you have to pay to use a buggy!?! What is this?!?) and started on one side of the store. We were going to mine sweep it to insure we wouldn't forget a thing.
After finishing the sweep, we bought:
1) A Loaf of French bread ($2)
2) 2 pomegranates (2 /$4)
3) 5 cases of no-name pop (5 /$10)
4) 3 boxes of chips (3 /$5)
5) Jar of Olives ($4)
6) Pack of gum
7) Case of Dole grapefruit drink stuff ($4???)
8) Cherry blasters candy (?????)
9) Mandarin Oranges ($5)
Okay so I forget the rest. I don't know how it came to 44 dollars now that I think about it. Oh well. But you get the point- It was variety. We had stuff from around the world. We ate everything -well... the candy, 2 bags of chips, oranges, pop, the whole jar of olives (uhhhh), one of the pomegranates, half a loaf of bread....
After 4 hours of Monopoly and still no progress on who was winning, that and it was nearing 2AM, we decided to all wave the white flag and count our money and mortgages on our houses.
I lost by a couple thousand dollars.
I leave you with this quote: “I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.”
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
9:15 AM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Down with the Democrats- Why no Colbert?!
The world tuned in on November 1st, awaiting their official celebrations of Stephen Colbert's presidency campaign. Just as they were about to let the balloons drop, a Democrat called in to inform Colbert that they did not accept him on the ballet. They instead told him he should campaign for the next four years.
"4 MORE YEARS!" Says the Arnold Schwarzenegger voice in my head. Four more god damn years until our dreams are fulfilled. Can we handle four years? Americans who never thought they'd ever vote were registering to vote purely because of Colbert. Now they can't. The Democrats successfully crashed dreams of a Truthiness America. I am America and So can you -unless-you-are-a-democrat. Democrat asses.
What a depressing show. I honestly wanted to cry- actually my tears did water. I'm not a cryer- I'm very much like the Terminator. I laugh. Not cry. I'm robot awesome. But my eyes watered watching a comedy show. It was heartbreaking, watching this character's dreams fail... He moved the world in such away. Who honestly can say they haven't seen Colbert's face this past week? The world loves him. The 1,000,000 to Stephen Colbert Facebook group grew faster than any other Facebook group and it got one million in like a week or something crazy. I went there today and its closing in on 1,400,000.
Yet those bastard Democrats said no? Now why is that? Why can't America have some fun. Why can't America take of their clothes and run down the streets naked. WHY NOT!? I don't live in the states, but I'm more into American politics than Canadian (because it's on T.V. and the Internet and Canadian is not) and I, along with the Nation, believe America needs to retire that same ol practice and spice up their political soup with a bit of Colbert. But no- too late now. The Republicans are exclusive Richy riches with their 35,000 entrance fee and the Democrats are BASTARDS!
You know what. I believe that the Democrats just lost this election. Who would vote for them after they did this to South Carolina's official Favorite son.
I leave you with this quote: “In success, you wouldn't be able to say I'm conservative or liberal. I'm part of the blame-America-last crowd.” ~ Stephen Colbert
Miss Kathleen <3
Posted by
Kathleen M.
7:09 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Reality T.V. shows: retreating from oblivion or deranging our society?
Reality Television Shows- Benefiting society by allowing the every-day slut and man whore to have a chance at stardum. BONUS: Pollute society because it looses brain cells from stupid brain damaging tasks, it sits at television and inspires to be just as stupid, inspires future sluts and man whores to out slut and man whore those on televisions. The down side of this is that corners in cities are now out of buisness.
The Era of Reality Television really got its jump start from the birth of Survivor. Particulary Survivor: The Australian Outback. There are very few people who can honestly say they never watched every episode eagerly when it aired. The people on that show recieved fame and gained fans. What was most appealing to the viewers was that these were plain, ordinary people, just like themselves who sent in a video doing something stupid, and now they were in freaking Australia with a chance to win one million dollars.
Since then- aka year 2001 A.D.- television shows are mostly made up of reality television. Well... if you can call it that. For awhile there were absolute obscure reality shows roaming our networks. Now television has come to a fork in the road because we've already seen everything and that derangeness is no longer that deranged (hard to believe). Now, producers either show the far right, or the far left.
The Far right: True reality. They film the lives of people. They film people who live in the Hollywood Hills, who live on Laguna Beach, who live in New Port Harbor, who dance for a living... and of course, those overly rich 16 year olds who have super rich birthday parties and their daddies buy them a B.M.W or a Porsche because 'they need it'. Do you know what else these kids get? They have super themed parties with live tigers, and dancers, and to top it off- famous musicians preform at their party. Now when I say famous, I mean big name rappers and preforms like Akon (I don't actually know if Akon preformed on their- I've only seen 3 episodes of this).
The Far left: Derangeness. Shows like "Beauty and the Geek" and 'The Bachelor". Yes, because it's so possible to find your true love on a t.v. show. There we get to watch P.T. Barnum's modern freak shows- not in a museum or in a circus, but in a box that projects an image. Uh, relatively the same idea. We get to watch sluts make out and .... with the man whores. We should be saying "Eww..." But no. You know what we do? We somehow think that the only way to find love like them- no wait- be popular and climb the social totum pole like them is to fool around with everyone until we all get S.T.Ds and live happily ever after.
I think girls have lost dignity (right word?). First we're slaves and have no equality, then we complain we want to be independent, and now were volunteering to dress up as sluts at Halloween- wait- every day and start fooling around at like 10 years old!?!
"How many guys did you give ........ to this week?"
"Two. Yourself?"
"Five. It's a good thing my parents are away for the week. Well that just makes me more popular than you."
"Uhh you're so lucky! Maybe I'll just walk around on my knees for the rest of my life..."
Do you know what I blame? Cartoons. Their not the same anymore. Even Scooby-Doo is horrible now. There no longer is that charm to them, that hand drawn art. Now their literally scribbles with annoying voices. Oh and to top it off- there are even cartoons that are reality television shows with cartoons girls with belly shirts and colossal boobs, running around, making alliances and causing cat fights, and kissing other girls boyfriends. Yes this is a cartoon, except I forget the name... I dunno it's on YTV.... anyways.... But that's ridiculous. Lets brain wash little kids into being sluts.
Unlike movies, Reality T.V. shows real people from our real society. We see that is what other normal people act like so apparently we should all act like that. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO!!!!
I have no quote. My head needs an advil and I'm tired. I'm even too tired to bold this page. That is how utterly lame I freaking am.
Facebook my page in a note.
Love you lots.............................................................. <3
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
3:59 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Exploring the Staple Gun
Posted by
Kathleen M.
8:11 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sweet smells crashed by the Deranged
A sweet smell in the air. I couldn't tell if it was pine or pot that I was smelling for it was too faint and I'm blond. The smell, however, was interupted by the smell of smoke. Investigate? Oh yes.
Posted by
Kathleen M.
6:30 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Segway: Humanity's most expensive cheeseburger
At around six-thousand dollars, the Segway rolls in at a very expensive method of individual transporation. "It's green!" they promote. It may be green but at the price of your health. Either the Earth is going to flood and we're all going to die, or we'll all ride around on Segways, get fat, then die.
I was driving to school today (as you can see the dashboard in my pic) and what did I see? Two people riding Segways. What the heck. Honestly, what has humanity diminished to? Dogs are pushed in strollers, and we have wheels for legs. Can nothing walk anymore? What is honestly wrong with walking. We've done it for millions of years, and now we have to roll. No- not on a bike, your burning calories. With a Segway, you litterally do nothing.
"Lets go on a hike hunny"
"Okay, let me go get the Segways ready."
What kind of reality is this? Instead of walking through the park on a sunny day, we now have to roll? And walking on the beach, is that too much? In this new reality, we have to stay extremly thin and not move. What is this. If someone could explain to me why anyone would pay six-thousand to be more lazy, that would be great. I thought spending six-hundred for a Play Station 3 that had very little games out was expensive. Apparently not.
Segway owner John C. Hertig says "People are constantly stopping and asking me questions and chatting." Do you know why that is? They find you insane! Buy a Game Boy color you moron- its just as unbelievable (or was when It came out...)
Beth Goza said "the Segway PT will be used for any trips that are 'too close to drive and too far to walk'. The Segway PT is easier to use for trips to the grocery store or the cleaners, in which transporting a load is required." Mmmhmm. Well when my mom goes to the grocery store, she usually buys a trunk full of stuff. And where are you going to hang your clothes on that thing? You cannot even put a jug of milk on there. Dumbshits.
I guess if everyone who lives in a large city such as Vancouver drove Segways instead of cars, there would no longer be speeding tickets, and the pollution would diminish. It's not like your moving in your car anyways. Maybe they should make trailers for segways... put large loads and the kids in there. But horse drawn carriges are just as green!! I don't know, its way to futuristic for me, and I come from the suburbs (well now in the city) so this is all weird. Post your thoughts!
I leave you with this quote: "Put some "green" into your daily routine with the ease and versatility of the Segway i2 Commuter."
Love you lots!!!
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
5:04 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The insanity of the female mind
Even as a female, I find it hard to understand others of my sex at times. It is almost impossible to understand why a woman is mad, or happy, or anything. Why one day she loves you to death and is your best friend, and the next day she is calling the relationship off. It is insane how our minds work.
I must admit, I think my brain is more male in the sense that I think like them. I'm not into being catty or two-faced like some girls can really be. I don't like to play mind games and confuse you and then get mad at you for not understanding. I hate how girls are like pigs- they squeal. It's disgusting. Also, I don't care that you broke your nail, or that you're drunk, or that there is a spider. Like shut up. No one cares.
Girls are odd. One moment we love you. Actually we'll love you for awhile, but something you do continues to piss us off. It could be simple as not texting us good night, or bigger like ditching us and not calling us to tell us you forgot about us. It'll keep boiling up in us (unknowing to us), then all of the sudden we'll explode on you randomly for the simplest thing you did. "You broke that glass?! Now I have to through it in the garbage! Do you realize that I'm not made of money! My poor glass... Did you think about that glass' feelings before you went and dropped it on the ground? How would you like it if I dropped you on the ground!" That would be followed by tears and you would be standing there in shock, thinking "What the Fuck". Just know that... it is most likely not about the glass...
With me, after I'm moronic and say something stupid, I usually realize within an hour that It was my fault and I apologize. I'm getting better at realizing my faults and it helps. I usually insist that I'm right. It turns out that I'm usually wrong, and I caused an argument for nothing. I argued about the galaxy once. I thought that a galaxy was a solar system, and that the solar system is just the way the planets rotate around the sun. I kept denying the fact that a galaxy is basically all the stars you can see and that our solar system is in the Milky-Way galaxy (I know some of you are cringing- I'm blond, I'm so sorry!). Also I've argued about the spelling of 'cliff'. I thought it was 'clift'. I looked up both these to prove the other person wrong... I was wrong in both cases. I usually am wrong. I think girls need to let men just... win battles. It would save a lot of headache and make them feel superior... which their not, but they like to think that and it makes them happy.
Also, sometimes we just can't help ourselves. At certain times of the month we have to be angry. You try suffering from headaches, upset stomach, ...pain..., and bleeding for around 5 days. Yeah you would be pissed off too, especially if it conflicts with certain activities! You know what makes us more mad? When people tell you to stop PMSing, or if you are. Why on Earth would you think the statement "Do you have your Period?" go over well with us- and you usually say it at our climax of pissed-off-ness. Here's a tip, don't say it.
I'm going to wrap this up now, hopefully you will get a thing or two. I haven't said much for the intensity of the awesome female mind. I leave you with this quote: "Middle Age is when your age starts to show around your middle."
Love you lots!!!
Miss Kathleen <3
Posted by
Kathleen M.
10:41 PM
Labels: girls mind, insanity
Red Bull
Red Bull in my opinion is pretty good. My ultimate favorite most definitally Rockstar Energy Drink. Premium sour, premium taste. Monster is a less intense version of it.. Beaver Buzz isn't too bad either.
Posted by
Kathleen M.
12:42 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Stupid Thief- Scary Moment
(pic is of the back of the parkade)
Today I experienced something that has to be one chance in a million. The chances of my experience happening are almost unreal. Today I stared in the eyes of the stupidest thief ever.
On Mondays I have a 5 hour break period in between my classes, and because I live forty minutes away from the school and gas prices are high, I don't drive home. At 12:30pm after my first class I went to the top level of the parkade where my car sat lonely at the back. I thought it was safe there because it is far from the entrance, and because of high thievery in the area, I decided to attempt to make it more difficult for them (I hoped they'd be noticed by the time they got to my car). I am quite paranoid about my car being broken into because on my first day of school after 5 hours of line-ups for ID cards and such, my car was broken into (nothing stolen, he just rummaged around and made a mess and smoked in my car... the bastard). After that I got an alarm installed.
So anyways I go to my car because I was tired from being awake since 6:30am and I stretched out in the back seat and take a nap. It was hella cold in my car so I curled up in a ball so i fit perfectly beneath my jacket (hobo tactics). I passed out instantly and I was experiencing some pretty crazy dreams...
Then at about 2:30pm I woke because I kept hearing this scratching noise on my car. I was a bit dazed because I was in the middle of an intense, adventurous dream. I kept hearing a scratching, like someone was sticking a key in my door. But I was in my car...
So I looked up, and I saw a white, middle-aged Caucasian man with sticky outty ears, a square face, and strawberry blond buzz-cut hair. He was clean and wore a black leather jacket. He was looking above my car, across the parking lot. I thought maybe he was getting out of his car parked beside mine. But then I kept hearing that noise...
And so I continued to stare at him (I'm blond, shut up), and finally he realized someone was looking at him and he look down at me. He froze as if not realizing I was there. Quickly he turned and briskly walked away. I sat fully up. There were no cars around mine for about 5 spaces on both sides. He was trying to break into my car!!! That theif! He failed to see the red, blinking light to say my car is armed, and he failed to see me in the back seat! What a moron!
I got so pissed at that moment that I de-armed my car and was about to jump out and run after him- but I realized that was a stupid idea because I'm a physically weak female and he was a tall, muscular male who could smash my skull in.
But wait! I had a camera! And where was he going!? There was a secret staircase at the back of the parkade! I grabbed my camera and ran after him.
I found the stair case:This was at the back of the parkade, the first image on you. How is anyone supposed to see that. I walked down it (it smelt like pissed and was stained) and continued to look for him. I came across a maze of staircases... I decided against it. I ran down the levels of the parkade and out onto the campus... It's not big. I went to every parkade and searched every alley in a Nancy Drew maner to look for this guy but he was gone.
I have come to the conclusion that I will do a stake out next monday and I will report to you what happens.
I leave you with this quote: “When a thief kisses you, count your teeth”
Love you Lots!!
Miss Kathleen <3>
Posted by
Kathleen M.
10:12 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Keep your music opinions to yourself
If there is one thing that I hate, it has to be people telling me that my music is bad, or that 'it is not music'. No one under any circumstances has the right to put down another person's music. In fact, it's most likely not their music because their most likely not the artist who made it. So if you diss music, you diss art, and that is not cool because art is revolutionary (I think...?) and alters our society in so many ways.
I listen to rap. Some R&B, but the majority is rap. I don't really look like the person who would love rap, but I love it with a strong passion. I have listened to The Eminem Show at least a hundred times, and it still has not gotten old. Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube, you guys are legends. Though I really wonder, what kind of name is Ice Cube anyway? Seriously... what the heck.
When people drive around with their music blaring, they are simply expressing art- it is the same as getting sleeves of tattoos. Don't glare at me because I have rap vibrating out of my speakers. You can play your classical just as loud, I don't mind.
My favorite is when people say rap isn't music because they can't understand what their saying. Well maybe their just dumb, or maybe their minds can't think that fast because I can understand them perfectly clear. It is music, it is just a different type of music, and rap has more words than your songs so they have to talk faster to fit it in the limited minutes they have to say it. Plus you can't say rap doesn't have a story or meaning- It is very clear what Eminem is doing in his song Kim. Rap artists do have talent. Eminem went diamond. Have you gone diamond? Just what I thought....
I'm sorry, I just realized I was ranting about rap. My point is that I won't diss your music, so don't diss mine or others. Music is music, there are just different genres, just as there are different types of art (moderns, classic, tattoos..) and different types of cars, and different types of food (Yes raw fish is food, it's called Sushi).
So I leave you with this quote: "Music hath the charm to soothe a savage beast, but I'd try a revolver first." ~Josh Billings
Love you Lots!!!
Miss Kathleen <3
Why can't boys read minds?
On monday he tells you that he wants to hang out... Wednesday, same thing, thursday he decides to hang out with you on saturday. Friday night he calls and tells you that he'll call you in the morning. Then you know what happens on saturday? NOTHING!
You know why us girls get so angry? It's because you guys fail to tell us that you decided to change your mind. I sat there all of saturday waiting... I expected by 3pm that he'd text or call me and let me know what is going on, but nothing. By 4pm I didn't know if I should stop waiting and go out with other people, or if he was going to call me soon... So I texted him telling him that I don't read minds and he has to tell me what his plans are.
By 7pm it was clear to me that he forgot about me, so I went out with other friends. I texted him later and asked him 'what went wrong' and no reply. Oh and I found out he went out with a different friend. Oh gees thanks a lot.
The next day I asked him why he didn't call me and tell me he changed his mind, and then after the convo I felt like jerk for being mad at him. Except I have the right to be mad, don't I?
Boys, just call girls or at least tell them what you're thinking because we honestly cannot read minds, and we would be less angry if you just decided to give us a 2 minute call to let us know you are ditching us and going out with someone else even though you were looking forward to see us. Thanks!
I leave you with this quote: “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.”
Love you lots!
Miss Kathleen <3
Posted by
Kathleen M.
11:09 AM
Labels: boys, boys read minds, mind reading
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Blogger Nation- Meet Bloggeries
Posted by
Kathleen M.
1:54 PM
Labels: blog forums, bloggeries
Life and its warnings
If you are jumping off that classic bridge and you hit a rock and only damage your wrist (Well you'll have to get a WristStrong bracelet from Stephen Colbert) then you should realize "Hey, maybe bridge jumping is a stupid idea, I could have hit my head and got knocked unconscious and drowned, or just smashed my head fully on that boulder".
DO NOT IGNORE THE SIGNS PEOPLE!! Humans are dieing for too many stupid reasons because they were being complete idiots. Seriously, drinking and driving isn't worth it. I do not know why you would want the cops to visit your house to let your family know that your dead. Your high-school having a memorial for you is cool and all, but you living is far better. No one can enjoy you if you are dead, and eventually they will all forget you because that is what happens when you die. Life goes on, but you do not.
I am really sorry for this not being a happy article, but I woke up and I feel strongly about this, and I really want to say it, so I clearly did. If it doesn't make a difference, well I did try- it's the only thing I can do if I don't know you.
Anyways I need to go take a shower cause I just woke up and it's something people should do for hygenic reasons, and so people continue to be your friend.
I leave you with this quote: "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living."
Posted by
Kathleen M.
10:59 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
The world from 1 foot tall
There are midgets and dwarfs, but then there are just really really small people.
So what, your under 4 feet tall. Boo hoo. You can still walk, you can still run, and you can mostly live your life just as well as someone who is five foot seven.
The other day as I walked the halls of my school, a professor rolled by. Literally. As horrible as it is, I honestly couldn't help but stare once she had passed me. She is approximately one foot tall. She rolled around on what looked like a pedestal, and her voice was so small she had to talk through a microphone which made her sound like a robot mouse.
Then as she rolled away, my eyes looked down, and there on her ride was a bumper sticker reading "I'm not in the mood to be stared at." I never in my life felt so god damn low. I could have walked out back to the 10 foot garden and buried myself alive, then unburied myself right before I passed out, and go and attach a rope to me and the back of the bus. Except I wouldn't because I'm not suicidal, I was just trying to express through words how extraordinarily bad I felt. I felt guilty even though no one saw me. I guess it'd be like shop lifting for the first time. Exhilarating and crazy until you realize that you are a total jerk.
Could you imagine teaching a lecture as her? It would be both awkward for her and the students. But I kudo her for becoming a university Prof, It's is hard making it in this world, and must be harder at one foot. Could you imagine growing up as her? She must have been a master at hide and seek.
SO yah. A world at one foot. Never again will I feel bad for that Big world, Small people show. Maybe they should try standing on her wheels! As for Tucker Max, this is one midget that is too small for you, I'm sorry.
I leave you with this quote: “Elevators smell different to midgets”
Love you lots!!! <3
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
4:23 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Gloomy Oddness
(the blue/green/orange stuff is my acid rain)
At that moment I desired a camera. I hate myself for not carrying one on me. There are so many things I see that I want to talk about on here and show you, but I cannot because I lack that device.
Posted by
Kathleen M.
5:07 PM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Stephen Colbert.....For President?!?!
Stephen, you do shock me. The world has always begged for you to toss your satirical hat into the presidential campaign...
Last night, also known as October 16 2007, on The Colbert Report, my idol Stephen Colbert announced that he will be running for President. He will be running in only South Carolina but he will be running none the less. I personally believe this man of greatness, a "philosopher" according to Hillary Clinton, has a high chance of getting close to winning South Carolina. I have spent many hours today visiting many forums and Facebook groups to see where the hearts of America lie. It turns out that America is angry that he is not running in their own state! America loves Colbert. In away, "Man of the Year" with Robin Williams is turning in to a reality, except the main character is running in the campaign.... as the character, not the real person.
Colbert is wanted as president by thousands. Facebook groups about his 2008 campaign are increasing by the hour at the thousands. THOUSANDS. Honestly... the 2008 election is going down in history with this. A black man (though Colbert won't know, he does not see race), a woman, some dude no one really cares about, and America's most sexiest, charismatic, philosophical, humorous man all running in one election.
Honestly can you visualize the debates? Colbert will verbally rape them. No one will be able to speak with him in the room.... and thank god for the Feminist episode- if Colbert never learned for an appreciation of females Clinton may have been running out of the debate crying. Okay that is an overstatement, she obviously wouldn't cry. Look at her campaign posters!
Man the 2008 election just got Delightfully Deranged, and votes are now swinging in Colbert's direction. People who lost faith in voting found a new light and humble voice: Stephen Colbert.
I now kick myself for being Canadian, it is the first time I ever had the urge to pack up and move to South Carolina.
I end this post with my blessing of "May no Grizzly bears wander South Carolina", and this quote from the man himself: “Now we all know that Fidel Castro dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and gave JFK a case of syphilis so bad it eventually blew out the back of his head.”
PS: I just watched 1 minute ago on tonight's episode of Oct. 17, 07 Stephen Colbert filling out the forums for Presidency. That confirms he IS running. Also he hinted that Doritos' is supporting him, and that 3000 DEMOCRAT SOUTH CAROLINIANS MUST FILL OUT THE PETITION TO SUPPORT HIM (download it off
Miss Kathleen
Posted by
Kathleen M.
10:56 PM
Labels: colbert for president, stephen colbert