Saturday, October 20, 2007

Life and its warnings

Oh good I put 'ont' instead of 'on' on my picture. Well... it gives it character. I'm not perfect, I'm sorry.
Life: it gives you warnings. You should recognize these warnings before something extreme happens and you find yourself on life support, crippled, and paralyzed from the neck down because you decided to race down the streets at three in the morning. Oh and that old lady walking her dog you though you saw? Don't worry, their having her funeral in a couple days, though I don't know how long you have left to live, you see life is funny. As fun as it was to give it to you, life is now ending it and laughing in your face. Remember how you wanted to live to be 110 like McDreamy? Oh too bad, you won't even see twenty because you ignored all those close calls you had before. Now look at you, you're not attractive anymore on you. You are dieing, I hope you are happy.

It is true, Life gives you warnings. I got a warning last night, and now I realize I've had a few. People should learn to recognize these warnings. If your being an erratic driver and slam on your breaks and slide into the person in front of you and only damage your bumper- then hey, maybe you should learn to drive slower and leave lots of room in front of you and not text or play tetris on your phone while your car is in motion. Dieing in a car accident is no way to die.

If you are jumping off that classic bridge and you hit a rock and only damage your wrist (Well you'll have to get a WristStrong bracelet from Stephen Colbert) then you should realize "Hey, maybe bridge jumping is a stupid idea, I could have hit my head and got knocked unconscious and drowned, or just smashed my head fully on that boulder".

DO NOT IGNORE THE SIGNS PEOPLE!! Humans are dieing for too many stupid reasons because they were being complete idiots. Seriously, drinking and driving isn't worth it. I do not know why you would want the cops to visit your house to let your family know that your dead. Your high-school having a memorial for you is cool and all, but you living is far better. No one can enjoy you if you are dead, and eventually they will all forget you because that is what happens when you die. Life goes on, but you do not.

I am really sorry for this not being a happy article, but I woke up and I feel strongly about this, and I really want to say it, so I clearly did. If it doesn't make a difference, well I did try- it's the only thing I can do if I don't know you.

Anyways I need to go take a shower cause I just woke up and it's something people should do for hygenic reasons, and so people continue to be your friend.

I leave you with this quote: "Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living."

Love you Lots!!!
Miss Kathleen <3

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