Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Race a Psycho chick and WIN!

Some people are psycho to the extreme. I was driving down Kingsway in my awesome Nissan Sentra 2003 (which has no power....the only nice thing about my car are the tires. I polish them. They're shiny. That's it.) and a challenge was thrown my way as I looked into the left lane on the road and into the window of another car. "Lets race!!" were the words mouthed by the insane female earthling.
Now this was ridiculous. I just looked away but she took it as a yes. I didn't care, I wasn't going to race her. First of all, we were on Kingsway. Now this is a highly congested road with tons of traffic and the fastest you can go at anytime is 50 km/h. We were the first at the light so I guess we were racing to the next light which was 2 blocks away!? (there are lights every few blocks....)
I turned back and looked at the girl as the lights turned yellow for the other direction.... she was like, having epilepsy or something, bouncing up and down in her seat and making crazy hand gestures at me and opening her mouth wide like she had rabies. I think this blond chick was cracked out. I thought I was weird, this girl was just messed up.
Then suddenly our light turned green. I just drove normally because I'm not starting anything with an Economy car, on Kingsway (where there are lots of cops), and with a cracked out female. I looked beside me and I didn't see her. I looked in my review mirror and she had stalled her standard in the start. What a moron. Who does that!?
The rest of the drive she kept trying to weave through traffic, but she was a horrible driver and it took her forever to get around me... but then she was just beside or behind me the whole time so I had to pull out my awesome driving skills. I veered into the bus lane and stepped the peddle to the ground and shot (not really, It made lots of noise but I looked down and I was only going 70 km/h hahaha, I just like to think I'm ridiculously awesome) up the bus lane and passed a pile of people (okay maybe 5 ....) and then pulled back into traffic before I got stuck behind a bus (I had tons of time now that I recall this adventure....)
So yah- to win against a psychopath, do nothing. Just drive normally because chances are that they are too cracked out to even get themselves going.
Love you lots!!!!
Miss Kathleen


Anonymous said...

It's sooo true!! Some people are just nuts I love how you bold things so if someone were so inclined as to speed read it those jump out and give a great summary.

joen05 said...

That was crazy. I don't plan on racing either though. Thank you for visiting my site :-)

Joe Likes It

Kathleen M. said...

Haha thanks-
I picked up the bold idea from another site about how this guy got his blog on the road.
And yah, my text is long and I'm impatient myself, so it def makes it easier to skim read it and hopefully catch attention :P


Anonymous said...

Me just different blog I just started.

I don't know but when I pass people I try and do it fast. I've had too many people and a truck and a rv merge into my lane with no notice before. Sketchy!

Kathleen M. said...

holy man...
I don't know how some people got their liscences.... Seriously... It's apsolutly insane...

Oh and i do like your new blog :D Bloggerites... haha very good first article... I HATE THAT TRUTH :P hahah....