Reality Television Shows- Benefiting society by allowing the every-day slut and man whore to have a chance at stardum. BONUS: Pollute society because it looses brain cells from stupid brain damaging tasks, it sits at television and inspires to be just as stupid, inspires future sluts and man whores to out slut and man whore those on televisions. The down side of this is that corners in cities are now out of buisness.
The Era of Reality Television really got its jump start from the birth of Survivor. Particulary Survivor: The Australian Outback. There are very few people who can honestly say they never watched every episode eagerly when it aired. The people on that show recieved fame and gained fans. What was most appealing to the viewers was that these were plain, ordinary people, just like themselves who sent in a video doing something stupid, and now they were in freaking Australia with a chance to win one million dollars.
Since then- aka year 2001 A.D.- television shows are mostly made up of reality television. Well... if you can call it that. For awhile there were absolute obscure reality shows roaming our networks. Now television has come to a fork in the road because we've already seen everything and that derangeness is no longer that deranged (hard to believe). Now, producers either show the far right, or the far left.
The Far right: True reality. They film the lives of people. They film people who live in the Hollywood Hills, who live on Laguna Beach, who live in New Port Harbor, who dance for a living... and of course, those overly rich 16 year olds who have super rich birthday parties and their daddies buy them a B.M.W or a Porsche because 'they need it'. Do you know what else these kids get? They have super themed parties with live tigers, and dancers, and to top it off- famous musicians preform at their party. Now when I say famous, I mean big name rappers and preforms like Akon (I don't actually know if Akon preformed on their- I've only seen 3 episodes of this).
The Far left: Derangeness. Shows like "Beauty and the Geek" and 'The Bachelor". Yes, because it's so possible to find your true love on a t.v. show. There we get to watch P.T. Barnum's modern freak shows- not in a museum or in a circus, but in a box that projects an image. Uh, relatively the same idea. We get to watch sluts make out and .... with the man whores. We should be saying "Eww..." But no. You know what we do? We somehow think that the only way to find love like them- no wait- be popular and climb the social totum pole like them is to fool around with everyone until we all get S.T.Ds and live happily ever after.
I think girls have lost dignity (right word?). First we're slaves and have no equality, then we complain we want to be independent, and now were volunteering to dress up as sluts at Halloween- wait- every day and start fooling around at like 10 years old!?!
"How many guys did you give ........ to this week?"
"Two. Yourself?"
"Five. It's a good thing my parents are away for the week. Well that just makes me more popular than you."
"Uhh you're so lucky! Maybe I'll just walk around on my knees for the rest of my life..."
Do you know what I blame? Cartoons. Their not the same anymore. Even Scooby-Doo is horrible now. There no longer is that charm to them, that hand drawn art. Now their literally scribbles with annoying voices. Oh and to top it off- there are even cartoons that are reality television shows with cartoons girls with belly shirts and colossal boobs, running around, making alliances and causing cat fights, and kissing other girls boyfriends. Yes this is a cartoon, except I forget the name... I dunno it's on YTV.... anyways.... But that's ridiculous. Lets brain wash little kids into being sluts.
Unlike movies, Reality T.V. shows real people from our real society. We see that is what other normal people act like so apparently we should all act like that. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO!!!!
I have no quote. My head needs an advil and I'm tired. I'm even too tired to bold this page. That is how utterly lame I freaking am.
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Love you lots.............................................................. <3
Miss Kathleen
when you really think about it, "reality tv" is an oxymoron!! how can Tv be real!?!? it's tv!
Haha yah!! Who came up with that name!! That makes no sense.... HAHAHA~!!!
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