Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Red Bull

So the Red Bull mini comes to my school at least once a week, and they stand at the entrance and hand out Red Bull Engery Drinks. The problem is that they are always talking to their friends, so getting them to give you a free drink is a bit of a challange.
So today I finally got my free Red Bull. I was stoked. I buy lots of energy drinks so having not to spend three dollars was a beautiful thing. Honestly though, I could be having free Red Bulls all the time if those girls did less chatting and more distributing! Maybe I'll just take one of their Red Bull back packs or their Red Bull mini instead of hundreds of free Red bull- I think that's fair for me.

Red Bull in my opinion is pretty good. My ultimate favorite most definitally Rockstar Energy Drink. Premium sour, premium taste. Monster is a less intense version of it.. Beaver Buzz isn't too bad either.
Anyways, I had to let you know about my accomplishment! I'll try and get more in the future!
Love you Lots!!!
Miss Kathleen <3


Ashley said...

I love your blog its super cute....you visitd mine at www.isthisthingonn.blogspot.com the other day...

just wondring how you got that cool bannr at the top (masthead i think its calld) delightfully dranged..i want to be able to do somthing like that also

Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Isn't Red Bull a bit too much before classes ? I'd try, but I'm the teacher, so... :D

Kathleen M. said...

Lol thanks ashley!! And the banner I made myself. If you go to Edit layout, then hit "Header" on the widgets thing where you edit the text of the header... at the bottom you will see you can select to have an image instead of text. Select that then upload an image from your computer!! Also i used Adobe Photoshop to produce the image.

And haha zhu, yeah it is I guess, but I go to art school and it inhances my creative juices... though 150 kids in a lecture hyped up on Red Bull isn't something too great :D Actually that is dangerous isn't it? :P