Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sweet smells crashed by the Deranged

A sweet smell in the air. I couldn't tell if it was pine or pot that I was smelling for it was too faint and I'm blond. The smell, however, was interupted by the smell of smoke. Investigate? Oh yes.

I was on a walk tonight. As you can see my in the picture haha. Though I wasn't walking at that moment, I was posing to take my own picture (lame, yes, I know). As I was walking I smelt something that smelt like either pot, or pine, but it was rudely interrupted by the smell of smoke. I had my camera, it was time to investigate. I walked down a path in a forest across the road. Then BANG! Red parks shot out of the trees and fireworks screeched through the air. I saw three kids a bit away.

That's the smoke you can see, I'm not very quick with the reflexes of getting my camera and turning it on. The kids saw me and booked it, and I was also too slow to get there pic. I kept walking. Eventually I turned around, and up on the hill, I saw three young boys who looked to be in grade 7 watching me. I fingered them for being immature. Then they began to advance and were like "FUCK YOU!" How rude?! What is wrong with kids these days. I felt like fighting them like I felt like fighting that thief, but I reminded myself that I'm pathetically weak so I briskly walked away.

I turned off the path and ventured into thick woods. I then came upon a tiny clearing beneath a tree and I hid there behind a stump. I look down, and what did I find? Condom wrappers!! EWW!? What heck. Who does that, that was not a nice place to get it on. Littering like that, there is an elementary school not too far away!

"Daddy, what is this?" a small girl asks, lifting up a grey LifeStyles wrapper to her father.
"Uhh, nothing baby, just put it down Hayley, its a poisonous candy wrapper," the father replied biting his lower lip, unsure of what to say to the three-year-old.
Do three-year-olds talk? I don't know... I don't remember being three.
Anyways I went looking for them later but they were gone... too bad. Prob for the best though. I leave you with this quote, uhh well two, I like two of the haha:
Love you lots!!
Miss Kathleen <3


Anonymous said...

So... was it pine or pot ? You must have figured out after a while ! :D

Doesn't look like a quiet and relaxing walk...

Kathleen M. said...

I believe it was pine, but my mind is hoping it was pot. That means theres teenagers in the area, which could entertain me and relieve me of my boredom... Though I don't actually want to talk to them... I think I'm the only teenager for miles, it's very depressing. Minus those random kids, but their way younger and that would be extremely creepy on my part

Anonymous said...

LOL I've never been hit by a bus wearing condoms yet. I'll have to keep an eye out for them. Typically I don't go out wearing them but who knows maybe one day I will.

Kevinpmrd said...

Concept #4: Chord shapes must be easy to play. This is very important, if the chord shapes are too difficult for the new guitarist they will not be able to develop their rhythm because they will usually stop tapping their foot while they put all their energy into forming the difficult chord shape. The 6 string bass guitar always has been an extremely important instrument in rock music but often it may be disregarded. It could be that a part of this is simply because it only consists of 4 guitar strings or even the reality that solo guitar players seem to be showy. As a result, the 4 string guitar is often unnoticed for an instrument. Playing it can sometimes be more challenging than playing your guitar. That being said, don't focus about how many guitar strings you'll want to play. In its place, place emphasis on what you perform with these. By following this above tips you can easily learn guitar chords in a faster and stronger way.